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· 2 min read
Gabe (Review Dork)

Push Notifications For All

Exclusive Trading View Indicators For All! Mobile and SMS messaging is HERE!

Great news!

As Trade1348 seeks to trailblaze a new path in first class day trade education, we have some amazing updates that will be inclusive to all!

New Indicators For All!!

First up, we have opened the formerly Master's only chart, action packed with cutting edge tools including THY GAP (The High YieldI indicator) previously exclusive to master, and have coupled it with the all new game changing confluence indicator cloud and candle, that makes it even easier to follow the trend for incredible tendies and long term gains!

Push Notifications!!

Watch Now

Secondly, in partnership with TradingView, we have made our indicators compatible with Tradingview's mobile app push notification and TEXT MESSAGE ALERTS! So you never miss a play again!

We created this solution especially for our members who double duty as xerox money printers, but also manage a 9 to 5 job!

Having your fingers on the pulse at all times, with our highly actionable alerts could only mean, YOU MIGHT NOT STAY AT YOUR JOB FOR MUCH LONGER!

Get back into the community, check out market talk, and see how revolutionary this ability truly is.

Pick your favorite tickers, time frame, and the alert of choice, from the 13/48 cross, the traffic light momentum shift, and even the THY GAP reversal alert, helping you to identify massive moves before they even begin!


Trade 1348 is proud of the strides you've made, and we are dedicated to making sure YOU MAKE IT THE MOON, MARS (Yeah lets' beat ELON), or wherever your stargazing dreams take you!

Stay tuned, we have plenty of awesomeness coming your way!

· 2 min read
Team 1348

Invictus 2.0 is Here! And Absolutely Free!

Invictus for Everyone

Today marks an extraordinary day! We're more than thrilled to announce that the complete, feature-packed version of Invictus is now free for everyone! Absolutely no ads, no hidden conditions – just pure, cutting-edge alerts tailored to your trading needs. Brace yourself to unlock access to live ticker data, up-to-the-minute news, and expertly curated options strategies – all in a single, user-friendly interface!

Why this unprecedented move, you might ask? At Trade 1348, we're committed to your success, and we want you to experience firsthand the unrivalled potential our Invictus system has to offer. And with Invictus 2.0, alerts are lightning fast, more precise, and have a higher cross percentage!

But Wait! Theres More!

To ensure you get maximum benefit from our offering, we're including versions of our popular training videos. Our in-depth training sessions are designed to equip you with not just fundamental trading knowledge, but actual, hands-on trading skills. We're firm believers that success isn't about simply receiving alerts – it's about empowering yourself through quality education.

We don't just deliver alerts – we deliver growth and understanding!

Still not enough? We've got more for you!

Dive straight into trading with a custom Trade 1348 TradingView Chart – yours for FREE! Even if you decide that our system isn't right the right fit - the chart remains yours to keep, as our thank-you for giving us a try!

Sign Up Now

Start Today - No Credit Card required!

Once you sign up, you'll gain unlimited access to Invictus, in addition to a suite of 20+ alerts from our innovative alert engines. We've built a world of power and precision at your fingertips – and we invite you to seize this exciting opportunity today! No credit card, no strings attached. Your journey towards mastering the world of trading Begins Now!

Start Now - No Credit Card Required!

· 2 min read
Gabe (Review Dork)

Man Thinking In the fast-paced world of financial trading, it's easy to get caught up in the promise of quick riches and immediate success. However, the reality is that trading is a journey, not a sprint. It requires dedication, mental toughness, and a thorough understanding of the market. The path to financial freedom is not straightforward, and this article aims to guide you through some hard truths about trading. Our purpose is not to discourage you but to arm you with the knowledge to make informed decisions, respect the trading process, and eventually achieve your financial goals.

  1. The market isn’t going to make you rich today or tomorrow, but it will when you eventually earn it! Just as with all things in life!

  2. Neither the markets nor this discord will cure your financial woes! If this is your pretense, re-evaluate your situation! The market isn’t a place of last resort, it's a place of respect! Change your mindset.

  3. Remember, you are trading against the best in the world, including day traders, institutions, and computer nerds with their algorithms! This isn’t amateur hour, live, breathe, and bleed this endeavor! If not, consider becoming another number in the next NFP drop!

  4. This system is inclusive of all origin stories and walks of life, indiscriminate of your past, but with high expectations of your future because we have created the cheat code. Don't fail at cheating!

  5. Camaraderie is great, but it doesn’t equate to results! I want the best of the best of this community to take charge and become an echo chamber of our teachings and only our teachings!

  6. Lastly, keep chipping away, chip, chip, chip! After all, that’s how you strike gold!

In conclusion, remember that trading isn't a get-rich-quick scheme, nor is it a solution to immediate financial struggles. It's a strategic game played against some of the world's best. It demands respect, dedication, continuous learning, and a hefty amount of resilience. Our system welcomes you, regardless of your past, setting high expectations for your future because we believe in the potential for success. But ultimately, the outcome depends on how much you're willing to invest - in terms of both time and effort, not just capital. So keep chipping away, learning, adapting, and striving for consistency, because that's how fortunes are built in trading - one wise decision at a time.

· 3 min read
Gabe (Review Dork)


  1. No Journal - This is the biggest, most important element of trading! Documenting your losses, finding flawed habits, and making a conscious effort to fix those habits! It also will highlight good behavior (strengths), familiarity with certain stocks as they each have their own cadence! e.g., TGT does not move as fast or violently as NVDA. Most importantly, the journal is a contract with yourself, to improve and continue improving!

  2. Attempting to Become Your Own Get Rich Quick Commercial! - What you see on social media of wild gains come with either stupid degrees of risk, or fairly large ports! I myself with a quarter-million-dollar port on average only stand to make $2,500 a day with (1%), but the numbers get larger exponentially, 2% = $5,000 = 3% = $7,500. Don't be impressed by $ - but %'s = the magic sauce to financial independence! All it takes is (1% a day)

  3. Large Positions in Any One Play! - 10% is the max; 5% should be your norm! 5% equals 20 plays! But you'd be surprised how often you hit your 1% goal with smaller positions and less capital exposed, it might happen in 2 to 3 plays! Give it a try! It will change the game for you!

  4. Stop Losses Are Meant to Be Hunted! - It gives an illusion of a failsafe! But only, only, only makes sense when you're attempting to protect profit! Not protecting a just-opened position! Always mark a place on the chart where YOU will manually close a position at candle close! I teach this in master! Pre-programmed orders are stupid, after all, why would you show the enemy where you're located? But with a manual stop always protect your pre-drawn level!

  5. Design Your Trade - I teach @Master to design their trade! Meaning never chase the candle! Always have your trade plan defined and let the trade come to you! Always let the trade come to you, and never ever betray your plan! FOMO is what we label chasers, bag holders are what we label those who chased late! Be neither! Be the engineer, plan a risk reward of 1.5 or greater (this is a rule) - planning your trade is the opposite of falling for market traps but rather have the market fall for your trap, which one sounds more in control?

Bonus - Don’t be a know-it-all, don’t overcomplicate the system, the thesis, or your process! Keep it simple! Do you see me using unnecessary trade lingo? Lines, fibs, trend lines, candle patterns, fancy bam methods, no!!! Why? Cuz less moving parts equal a more reliable product! Make your trades more reliable and be less is more like Honda, not PHD level engineering like Mercedes….

Tune in to masterclass, take the next step in accountability. $1348 sounds like a lot, but so does losing $15,000 - the next 30 days with me will change your life! I promise! Upgrade to @Master today!

· 4 min read
Short The Vix

Person Writing DISCLAIMER: While it is very possible that you could replace your current income by focusing on what is discussed in this article, you probably shouldn't quit your job until you have 2-3 years of consistent profitability under your belt. Trading is an emotional game, and the game changes drastically when you rely on those trades to end in profit in order for you to eat, pay rent, or buy baby formula.

Over 90% of retail traders fail, and as we have outlined in previous articles, this is mostly due to the psychological and emotional hindrances new traders burden themselves with - they get in their own way. In the market, you are your most formidable adversary, and most people do not fully understand how to overcome the only obstacle that matters for success; it isn't the market, but yourself.

So, what needs to happen, or what skills do you need to learn, in order to “Quit Your Job in 90 Days”? The first is an incredibly simple fix that most people are too lazy to do. People see trading as gambling or pushing buttons on a phone or computer, and the number on the screen next to “account balance” either goes up or down after the conclusion of the trade. But often, they don’t fully understand why the end result has occurred.

Step 1: Journal Your Trades

For you to find success, you have to analyze what went wrong or more importantly what went right on any given trade. Did you make a mistake somewhere regardless of win or lose? Did you execute flawlessly? Did you do everything right and still get stopped out? These are questions you need to be able to answer in order to improve your thought process for the next trade to come. Traders will enter the market in the morning, make or lose money, and then move on and never look at that chart ever again. This is completely unacceptable and you will never have success this way because of one key concept discussed in the past: traders will operate under the misconception that they are following their strategy to a T but in reality, they are fumbling around and messing it up completely. How will you truly know what you need to improve unless you go back and let your trades tell you?

Step 2: Backtesting and Practice

After you have a preliminary idea of where your errors are coming from, now comes the most crucial part of trading, backtesting with the replay function on TradingView or any other service that allows you to go back in time and replay price action. At this point, you have an idea of where your skills are lacking and can now enter a risk-free market environment to hone those skills and improve on them. Not only does this give you more practice, but it removes the emotional element of fear of losing money and allows you to build muscle memory of entering trade setups that make complete sense. On any given trading day you may take 1-3 trades, in one afternoon with the replay and backtesting function you can take hundreds of trades. The amount of data and repetition you receive from this is priceless.

Many of you have entered the market over the last few years and just don't have the experience of seeing how these charts move after years of staring at price action. For example, I have been studying markets since I was 14 years old (I am 24 now), there are many things that I am able to pick up on in the marketplace because I have seen it play out hundreds of times. Does this make me smarter than any of you? Absolutely not. I have just put in the time over the years that gives me this experience and am able to relay that information to you in real time.

After 90 days of completing step one and two as outlined above, you should see a drastic performance shift in your trading. For those of you still on the fence about putting in this amount of time to practice, I want to end by asking you a question, Do you think your performance in the market would be better or worse if you saw your trade setup 1 time or have sat down and seen it play out over 10,000 times? You all know the correct answer but it is up to you to take action, put in the work, and join the rest of us in what I like to call “Print City”.

· 4 min read
Short The Vix

3 Cardinal Sins Of A New Trader

Graph Crashing

The Pandemic and 2020 brought a whole new demographic to the US stock and crypto markets, and as we saw on forums such as Wall Street Bets, making money seemed "easy" with Jerome Powell and the Federal Reserve's unlimited QE (quantitative easing). The sharing of gains between friends, family, and social media added more fuel to the fire, bringing even more people into the market every day. The behavior of these new "investors," in normal market conditions, would be described as "throwing money out of the window", but in this perfect storm, for maybe the first time ever, more money came back to them.

New traders make a wide variety of mistakes, but the most important one, believe it or not, is making large sums of money. While it may seem counterintuitive since we are all in this market to do just that, making money in the short term would be the very reason their portfolios would end up either significantly red or at zero come 2023.

Why is that? Did they suddenly lose their "skill"? Not necessarily since new market participants don't understand the complexities of the markets and trading anyway. We could simply define the issue as not being able to react to changing market conditions, but the problem is much deeper than that.

When trading, short term, long term or even scalping, professional traders use a system that they have built, which includes a very specific set of rules in order to give themselves an edge in the market. As Mark Douglass would put it, "an edge is nothing more than one outcome having a higher probability of occurrence."

These new traders had no built-out system and due to lack of experience weren't able to understand WHY trades went in their favor or against them. In 2020 it did not matter, but now it does.

So what does a new trader need, or what mistakes do they need to avoid?

  1. They need ONE system: So many new investors will approach the market every day, make money or lose money and then move along while trading with a strategy that they think is going to make them rich. When they go on a losing streak, they blame the system or the market and not the true cause of losing, themselves. As I have mentioned in previous articles, traders may THINK they are following their rules, but upon further review when JOURNALING, they come to realize that many of their losing trades do not fit within the rules they have set up for themselves. Strategies and systems work for a reason (they give you an edge over time so stop focusing on if one trade is profitable or not, think about the next 100 trades). Stop jumping around to different things you think will yield a magic fix since you are the problem most of the time; the same issues will arise with each different strategy you hop to.

  2. Too Much Risk: All new traders take on too much risk. You are NOT going to get rich in a day, but you can surely lose your entire portfolio. Trading is a long-term game, and if new traders are focused on flipping their account rapidly, they are losing more money than they are comfortable with using a system they don't fully understand yet. More money in your account does not make you a better trader; almost everything we do in the market at its core is learning how to properly manage portfolios and money. Sizing down allows new traders to focus on the fundamentals and the mechanics of good trading while setting the dollar amounts aside.

  3. Laziness: Traders see the amounts of money that can be made very rapidly in the markets and assume or hope for that one big hit to boost their portfolio. By the time that comes, that one big

New traders must avoid the cardinal sins of having no consistent system, taking on too much risk, and being lazy in their pursuit of success. Developing a solid trading strategy, managing risk effectively, and dedicating time and effort to learning and improving are crucial for long-term success. By addressing these common pitfalls, new traders can increase their chances of becoming successful, disciplined market participants who adapt and thrive in various market conditions.

· 3 min read
Team 1348

Introducing Our Exciting Free Alert System!

Free Alerts

Get ready to supercharge your trading with 20 FREE alerts every single day! That's right, with our brand-new Freemium version, you can experience the power of Trade 1348's state-of-the-art technology and potentially unlock winning plays with each alert!

Our system curates a streamlined list of tickers, handpicked from 4 of our cutting-edge engines. We focus exclusively on trades to the upside, as trading shares is the most popular approach to playing stocks. But don't worry, options enthusiasts, our alerts are perfect for long-term plays too!

This free trial is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what Trade 1348 has to offer. Whether you're a swing trader, a scalper, or you have a preference for shares or options, we've got you covered with the most advanced CBOE and OPRA certified data available!

Don't miss this opportunity – claim your 20 daily FREE alerts and take your trading to the next level with Trade 1348!

Register Now

Let's break them down

Broken Light Indicator

Take your trading strategy to new heights with our Broken Traffic Light system. Designed to spot trends and reversals with pinpoint precision, this powerful tool updates every day at 4PM to give you the edge you need.

Use "Yesterday's" alerts to make informed decisions on trades today or wait for the evening release to plan your moves for the next morning. Ideal for Swing Traders who invest in stocks or options with longer expirations, the Broken Traffic Light system is our most popular indicator for shares.

Red Light Runner

Complement your trading strategy with the Red Light Runner, a powerful indicator that operates on a 4-hour timeframe, offering a unique perspective similar to our popular Broken Light Indicator.

By utilizing both Red Light Runner and Broken Light Indicator, you'll be primed for Speed Racer – our advanced trading system designed specifically for day traders and momentum traders seeking an edge in the market.

Don't miss the opportunity to revolutionize your trading experience. Embrace the power of Red Light Runner, Broken Light Indicator, and Speed Racer to take your trading performance to new heights!

Day and 4-hour

Discover the power of our original 13/48 strategy, the foundation of all our trading strategies and a proven method that continues to stand the test of time. These alerts are specifically designed to help you ride the momentum wave, capturing opportunities as they arise.

With a focus exclusively on the upside, our 13/48 strategy is the perfect way to experience our system by trading shares. Whether you're using the day or 4-hour timeframe, this tried-and-true method will enhance your trading strategy and help you achieve consistent success in the market.

Don't miss out – join the Trade 1348 community and experience the power of our original 13/48 strategy today!

Start Today - No Credit Card required!

simply sign up and begin following our alerts over the next few trading days. Experience the power and precision of our cutting-edge tools and strategies firsthand, without any commitment.

Don't wait any longer – take the first step towards elevating your trading performance and join the Trade 1348 community today!

Register Now

· 4 min read
Short The Vix

Kiss Your Money Goodbye!

Free Alerts

Retail traders are often labeled as dumb money by those who hold positions in the financial industry. Some may dismiss this term, but their portfolios often end up at the same place as all the others who thought they could outsmart the market… ZERO.

But why do retail traders struggle to make money? Is it the quality of information they receive? Perhaps, but even with access to tools like a Bloomberg terminal, the information can be overwhelming and may only yield a modest return on their portfolio. So, is it the strategy? As seen by the backtests on this platform and in the videos provided, there are many strategies that can help retail traders make money. The answer lies in the way they think and approach trading every single day.

Imagine a strategy that was 99% profitable (meaning you make money on 99% of the trades that fit the framework of the system), but if you fail to manage the risk on those 1% of trades that this imaginary system would generate, then your portfolio is left at zero.

Anybody can enter a trade and make money, in fact, most new traders in 2020 did just that. So why don’t we see the same level of excitement in trading that was present 3 years ago? Traders failed to realize what trading is actually about.

When entering a trade, the only thing that should be thought of is the risk, not how much money can be made, not what you could buy with the gains IF the trade works, solely focus on the risk.

It is easier said than done, but the problem of managing risk effectively, once solved, can easily catapult a portfolio to an income-generating machine. However, there is another problem that plagues retail traders every second of every day. It’s not stop loss hunting from some big bad market maker, it’s not “manipulation”, it’s the way the trader thinks.

I say this all the time, but in order to have different results in the market, you need to behave differently. But how do you actually change your thought process?

Disconnect from the $ Sign

Most of you reading this have entered the market for one overarching reason, and that is to change your current financial situation. That desire can be a hindrance to your success. When participating in the market, if you are desperately trying to make money fast (keyword: fast), it can lead to poor decision-making in trade entries, exits, and management. So, to actually have success in the market, you need to detach yourselves from dollar amounts and focus on percentages.

Oh great, now you still lose money… what next?

Most of you reading this think you are following a trading plan, but looking back on past trades, you find inconsistencies in your approach or risk management. You end up thinking you are doing something when, in reality, you are not.

Key Fixes

  • Stop moving so fast, slow down your process and go after the low-hanging fruit (or the trades that so obviously fit the system)
  • Write down your plan before entry and stick to it. Your word is everything in trading, and most often, your first plan is the correct one, but when money is at risk, your accountability goes right out the window.
  • Review your previous trades and journal. Make sure you are actually doing what you set out to do because most of you, even if you think you are, aren't.

To Sum It All Up

Remember, successful trading is about managing risk, staying disciplined, and consistently following a well-defined plan. By disconnecting from the dollar signs, focusing on percentages, and implementing these key fixes, you can transform your trading approach and achieve better results.

Take a moment to reflect on your trading habits and identify areas where you can improve. Then, put these strategies into practice and watch your progress soar. The journey to becoming a successful trader begins with the right mindset and a commitment to learning from both successes and failures.

So, go ahead and take the leap – your future self will thank you.